I'm a Ph.D. student studying computer science at Rice University, advised by Dr. Lydia Kavraki. I'm interested in computational methods in structural biology, focused specifically on graph-theoretic properties of protein structure and how representations of a protein's structure can be used to explain its function and properties. Currently, this takes the form of graph and geometric machine learning. I also have more nascent interests in computational geometry and metric learning, and in how these might be applied in this domain.

Before attending Rice, I worked as a software engineer supporting research projects in computational antibody design, high-dimensional signal processing, and socio-cultural language modeling. I graduated from Tufts University in 2019 with a B.S. in biology and computer science, where I spent summers with the Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory (somehow I keep ending up alongside roboticists). My time there, as well as advising from Drs. Lenore Cowen and Soha Hassoun, inspired me to pursue a career in computational research.

Outside of research, I play piano, bike, and try to keep a regular yoga practice. I'm on a seemingly unending quest to be better about caring for houseplants.
